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Market development file box industry

From:Internet Posted:2021-11-29

In recent years, with the popularity of the application file box, expanding the market. Market share will increase after the manufacturer, file boxes Currently, there are many manufacturers, file box industry is very competitive.
Early development of file boxes, low production costs and relatively high profits, so the size of the domestic stationery manufacturing sector has grown more intense competition. After several years of development, vicious competition among domestic counterparts stationery manufacturing industry has made paper products, pens, documents, product markets are saturated. Plagiarism, copying popularity, but also serious homogenization of products, be more price competitive marketing. Domestic stationery manufacturing not only highly throat price competition pressure on the domestic stationery counterparts, but also to withstand the impact of international capital continue to infiltrate. Industry sources said the major European and American stationer enter China, domestic enterprises will be greatly compressed living space.
File supplies companies want in this market environment, based on the product must withstand the test. These are successful file supplies manufacturers need to do aspects of quality raw materials, advanced production technology, environmentally friendly production lines and so on. Only do these products in the market competitive, file supplies enterprises can survive and develop.